Saturday, November 17, 2007

the loves of cousin never fails to whipe off from the smile of our faces.
i love my cousin.. kinship.. very very important!
Someone have Lost. Someone have Lost this battle. the winner; of course will be Me. i did told you that you could never win this battle. see.. im right, i've won. face it. "be ashamed to lose to a women like me, hah~"
and i pray to Allah may atok get well from Coma. may he be blessed by Allah "dan di-panjangkan umur, insyallah...."
dear S,
dun be hard on urself. i know you may not be feeling good this days after wad ever have happen. you gotta be strong, fren. "Allah sayangkan umat-Nya yang selalu bersabar dan tenang menghadapi segalanya" all we gotta do now is Pray. that's the only Key to the locked. i always told you this and im going to say it again. I WILL ALWAYS BE HERE FOR YOU. NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME; NO MATTER WHAT HE HAVE DONE TO ME; I WILL ALWAYS BE HERE, GIVING YOU MORAL SUPPORT IN TIMES YOU NEED IT. no matter what you have done, like i have always said, you will always be inside my heart, my dear fren. you have to be strong, kak nyet.
i like him;
the day we meet;
the times we sms each other;
the way i missed him when he's away;
the way he smiled at me;
the way he talked to me;
i dun want him to know i have fallen for him. from the first day Ken Sashi introduced him to the "Donut Clans" i have this feeling that he's the one. but i tried all ways to deny the fact. but as time goes by, when we started to sms each other, i dunno how this feeling were born. i like him. i have fallen for him, i know. but, i trust my instinct. i feel dat he have feelings for other girl... not me. and now, im trying to get away from him. i dun wan to hurt myself. i think, i will be better off alone, rather put some false hope. the more i tried to runaway from him, the more it become strong. but, as i said. i think i better be frens with him, rather than losing him. *smile* i'll be fine.
the writer,

@ 7:12 PM